3rd unofficial world championship among computer programs

Draughts enthusiast Krzysztof Grzelak (Kornik, Poland) spent from 2nd to 12th December 2014 3rd unofficial world championship among computer programs. Tournament was held in Russian draughts with the drawing of moves and positions (flying draughts). 10 programs participated. The program Kallisto won. We congratulate software developer Igor Korshunov with success!  See results and games HERE Read more …

Tournaments in Saarbrücken (Germany)

Draughts tournaments 5th Open German Draughts 64 Championship (Brazilian Version) and 9th International Saarbrücken Open Tournament in Draughts 100 was held in Saarbrücken (Germany) from the 7th to the 9th November 2014. GMI Gennady Shapiro (GER) won 5th Open German Draughts 64 Championship. Viktor Larin (USA) took 2nd place and Igor Elvov (GER) took 3rd place.  Read more …

International competition memory Gringruz

Traditional 5th International Tournament memory Nikolay Gringruz was held in the city of Bendery (Moldova, Tiraspol region) from 01 to 05 November 2014. Tournament dedicated to the Honored coach of the Republic of Moldova Gringruz Nikolay Leontyevich, who trained many top players in draughts-64. Belosheyev Sergey (Ukraine) won. Kondrachenko Eugene (Belarus) took 2nd place and Dudko Denis (Moldova) took 3rd place. Read more …

General Assembly of the IDF — Section-64 FMJD

October 19, 2014 in St. Petersburg was held report and elective General Assembly of the International Draughts Federation (IDF) — Section-64 FMJD. Member-countries of IDF — Section-64 showed high interest in the work of organization: 23 national federations were presented at the General Assembly. Read more …

National Pool Checkers Tournament in Zambia

The Zambia Draughts Federation was held a National  Draughts-64 Open  Tournament at Olympic Youth Development Centre (OYDC) which started on Friday 24th October and ended on 25th October 2014. Mwaaza Sakala won the tournament with 14 points, Albert Shamuwele took second place with 12 points and Lukanga Mambwe came third with 11 points. Read more …

European Draughts-64 Championships 2014

International Draughts Federation IDF — Section 64 FMJD in accordance with the Calendar of the competitions in 2014 from October 17 (day of arrival) to October 26 (departure day), 2014 in the historic center of St. Petersburg (Russia) was held European Draughts-64 Championships among men and women. Classic program ended. Igor Mikhalchenko (Belarus) and Zhanna Sarshaeva (Russia) won. See results. Read more …