World Team Championship in Eupatoria

EupatoriaWorld Championship among men’s and women’s teams finished. World Championship among men’s teams won team TSDUSHSHOR name Nezhmetdinov, Kazan, Russia (Dmitry Tsinman, Alexander Schwarzman, Murodullo Amrillaev and Andrey Gnelitsky)  which won an additional match with the score 5:1 of the team Russia, Samara/Chelyabinsk (Oleg Dashkov, Sergey Belosheev and Alexey Shonin). Read more …

European Youth Championship

coat_of_arms_of_borisovPersonal-team European Youth Championship in draughts-64 was held in  Borisov region, Belarus, from April 27, (arrival day) till May 05, 2012. 160 players from 9 countries (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Romania, Russia, Ukraine) participated in the Championship.
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