International competition memory Gringruz

Traditional 4th International Tournament memory Nikolay Gringruz was held in the city of Bendery (Moldova, Tiraspol region) from 02 to 06 November 2013. Tournament dedicated to the Honored coach of the Republic of Moldova Gringruz Nikolay Leontyevich, who trained many top players in draughts-64. Kondrachenko Eugene from Belarus won. Dosca Ion from Moldova took 2nd place and Belosheyev Sergey from Ukraine took 3rd place. Read more …

Championship of Russia

Championship of Russia in Russian draughts  among men and women was held from 25 September to 9 October 2013 in the resort “Akvaloo” in Sochi. Championship of Russia among men was held in two stages. Championship of Russia among men ended today. Nikolay Struchkov (Yakutia) became a champion, Vladimir Egorov (Tula) took 2nd place and Oleg Dashkov (Samara) took 3rd place. See all results.

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FMJD General Assembly

 FMJD General Assembly was held September 23, 2013 in Wageningen, Netherlands.  See short report of the Section-64 about events at the Assembly an English  HERE  and in Russian HERE. Read more …

7th Stage of World Cup – International competition memory S. Kashaev

Eupatoria7th Stage of World Cup – International draughts-64 competition memory S. Kashaev was held from 19 September (arrival day) to 25 September in Evpatoria, Ukraine. 36 players from 7 countries participated. International Grandmasters Sergey Belosheyev from Ukraine took 1st place, Dmitry Tsinman from Russia took 2nd place and Ion Dosca from Moldova took 3rd place. See results.

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Calendar 2014

Preliminary Calendar of the FMJD Section 64 – IDF competitions in 2014 published. See calendar HERE